Diane Z. Shore's Look Both Ways tells an engaging story about a little squirrel who learns to "look both ways" before crossing the street. The book provides a great opportunity to think about this all-important lesson, and in fact our little boy was a bit obsessed with the concept for days after our first readings of the book, bringing it up every time we crossed the street or even when he saw others making their way across as we took our walks in the neighborhood. Weaving an important theme into an inviting story gives kids and parents the best of both worlds - entertainment and education. Filbert, the squirrel in question, has one too many close calls while racing across the street, and learns his valuable lesson with the help of his mother and grandmother. Parents will be grateful for the lesson, and kids will almost certainly like the well-presented story. I'm a big fan of nice illustrations too, and this book doesn't lack for them. A highly recommended choice!
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